Help Needed!
This page lists all those little missing bits of information or equipment that I'm seeking at the moment. If you are able to assist in any way, please do get in touch! I'm always willing to help out in any way I can with questions etc... User manuals needed (pdf or hardcopy)Many thanks to Waveterm for providing a user manual for the Friendchip SRC (SMPTE Reading Clock) If anyone has any info on the MIDI socket and it's implementation, do let me know!!?
Next: Does anyone have the SRC-AT user manual, the 1U version of the synchroniser (not the later use of the acronym to mean Sample Rate Converter)??? I have recently acquired one of these units to bolster the SRC in the MIDI department, but it came without a manual! I have a German language copy, but I'm a little out of my depth with the translation in places. Help! Does anybody have any schematics / circuit diagrams for the Simmons SDS6 Sequencer? Mine is very poorly at the moment having been stored by a previous owner in somewhere that got flooded plus the batteries leaked, any help greatly appreciated! Do you have info on the Sequential Model 800? (more) I'm very nearly finished restoring mine, but if you are a current or user please do get in touch with your experiences. For SaleNo gear right now, but I will be sorting through the studio equipment in the near future so watch this space...! Doing a bit of synth DIY?Make your wiring a thing of beauty with some 20 Way Rainbow Ribbon Cable! Can be separated into individual cores or into groups are needed. This really will tidy up those looms and produce a very professional result.